Friday 11 July 2014

The Cure for Your Depression.


My sleep pattern has completely altered. I’ve turned into a night owl. i read an article once, it was in Times magazine I think; that there are two kinds of people. those who work best in the day time. And those that work best at night. Each have their peak hours in which they work their optimum and then they have their low hours. So I have always been an owl. My most creative hours are after sunset. Well its good to find out early in life so you can do maximum in your peak hours. I usually sit down to write very late at night. Its 2 am Pakistan time. In an hour I will be waking up everyone for the suhar( the pre dawn meal of the fast)

So at 2 am I have decided to pick up a topic that is very common, known and experienced by everyone in the whole world. Something that is inflicted on the humanity since the time began. When our father Adam  and our mother eve (alaisalam) were casted out of the heaven they were separated on the earth, they  cried and repented for forty years before they were united. Imagine being all alone in such a huge earth inhabitant by no one and you have lost your only love and companion. Wow that is depressing!

So What is depression? We all know what it feels like, we all have experienced it one time or the other at some point in our lives.

Wikipedia describes depression as a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings andsense of well-being.[1] Depressed people can feel sad,anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless. Well wiki as always is spot on.

Is it a disease, or just a state of mind. ? some people eat heavy doses of drugs to get rid of their lows. Greatest form of depression makes one suicidal, people end up dead. It must be disease of some sort. Who in their right mind take their own lives????!@#

But what if I told you it’s not a disease? It’s not even a state of mind. And if you suffer from it you can rid yourself from it completely.

Before you understand depression you have to understand your body and your make up. We humans are made up of two things; our physical body and our soul. Think of us as a cell phone. You have your cell phone casing, the beautiful touch screen, the battery etc. but your phone will not work until and unless you have a sim / your service provider. Your cell phone gets its signals and that’s how your phone works. Our soul is like the sim /service provider. Without the soul the body doesn’t work. Our souls is what makes us alive and conscious. Some people call it your subconscious.

This soul is alive too and it has its needs. When its needs are not met you feel detached. Unhappy empty. Sometimes just to fill the vast emptiness you tend to fall into addictions. Addiction could be of any type, it maybe alcohol, drugs, adultery, food, social media, television. Anything will do to fill the emptiness. Addictions tend to make you forget your feelings for sometimes. That is why you choose to stay addicted.

This soul… what does it need. How can I fill its hunger.? What will end my depression? Well it’s really very simple and basic actually. you may have forgotten or deliberately choose to ignore but your  soul knows and craves one thing. Your soul craves the remembrance of its Creator. The one who created it. Simple isn’t it. So if you want to be happy remember to call upon GOD.

Agonist and atheist are probably rolling their eyes. What a waste of time to find this piece of writing. And I was actually waiting to hear about the miracle cure. Maybe some ancient spring water to drink or some absurd thing. Anything, actually; to cure my blues.

Before you press the back button and the close tab button. Hear me out! You have come this far. Why not try it once. this doesn’t cost you, it doesn’t hurt you this may be for 3 days. Or just when you feel depressed until you start feeling okay again. This is actually very easy on the tongue. Say Allah ( pronounced AL-LAH) continuously whenever you have time. But don’t say it sceptically. This is food for your soul, say it respectfully. Like you are feeding a child its first meal.

Stay happy! Don’t give up on yourself. You are precious to your Creator. If He can give you things without asking think what he will do for you when you ask him .:D This article will have a follow up. Where I will share some of my own experiences too.

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